The Non-Fungible Token(NFT) API offers a range of query functions specifically designed for interacting with NFTs, also known as ERC-721 tokens. This API provides detailed information about NFT contracts, token holders, token transfer history, token balances of holders, and the count of token holders and transfers. Additionally, it offers details about individual NFT instances, the metadata associated with each instance, the instance holders, and the historical changes of instance holders.

With these functionalities, you can efficiently retrieve and analyze data related to NFTs and facilitate the development of NFT-focused applications and services on the Bifrost Network.

✅ All NFT API endpoints require a X-Network header value which receives either a 'testnet' or 'mainnet' string. This header value will determine which network you will be inquiring about.

We currently provide the following endpoints:

/nft/holder/{holderHash}/transfersGet the history of NFT transfers for the given holder account hash.
/nft/holder/{holderHash}/tokens-v2Get the list of NFTs the given account holds in descending order.
/nft/transaction/{transactionHash}/transfersGet the history of NFT transfers for the given transaction hash.
/nft/contract/{contractHash}/transfersGet the history of NFT transfers for the given contract hash.
/nft/contract/{contractHash}/instances/{instanceId}/transfersGet the history of holders for the given contract hash and NFT ID.
/nft/contract/{contractHash}/instances/{instanceId}Get the NFT information of the given contract hash and the NFT ID.
/nft/contract/{contractHash}/instancesGet the list of NFTs minted of the given contract hash.
/nft/contract/{contractHash}/holdersGet NFT holders' information on the given contract hash.
/nft/contract/{contractHash}/countersGet the number of holders and transfers of the given contract hash.
/nft/contract/{contractHash}Get NFT contract information of the given contract hash.