👨🏻💻 What do I do when I see an error code?
If an error occurs while processing an API request, the HTTP response body returns an error code. Key error codes are found in the API Error Reference. If an unknown error occurs, please contact us by opening a ticket through our Discord channel. Make sure to include the relevant error code and the response body message.
💰 Is there no fee for using the references?
Currently, anyone can use our public API references free of charge! However, it is possible that paid plans catering to various needs may be introduced in the future.
🔢 Is there a rate limit?
Yes, keep in mind that the current rate limit is set at 1,500 API calls every 5 minutes.
🗝 Do I need to verify myself at any point?
Yes, starting from v3, verification involves Single Sign-On (SSO) login and utilizing the provided API token to access our APIs. Refer to the Authorization page for comprehensive instructions.
💬 How can I connect with other developers?
Besides our official Discord, you can connect with others to ask questions and have open discussions on the Bifrost Forum.
Updated 5 months ago